Teacher Resources
The purpose of this site is to provide teachers with access to materials and resources. Nowadays, education and technology are so intertwined that almost every teacher has a few favorite tech tools that make their job and connecting with students a little bit easier and more enjoyable. Below is a list of some of the tech tools I have collected during my time as a librarian, including some that have become increasingly popular and widely used.
Click on the links for more information.
Lesson Planning and Tech Tools
- Teachers Pay Teachers: (https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/) Have great lessons to share? Looking for something to add to your classes? On this site you can do both, selling your own class materials and buying high-quality resources from other teachers.
- Wordle: (http://www.wordle.net/) Create stunning word clouds using Wordle, a great complement to language lessons of any kind.
- Prezi: (https://prezi.com/) Want to build presentations that will wow your students? Make use of this online tool that makes it simple to do all kinds of cool things with your lessons, even allowing collaboration between teachers.
- Quizlet: (https://quizlet.com/) Quizlet makes it easy for teachers to create study tools for students, especially flashcards that can make memorizing important information a snap.
- Google Docs: (www.google.com) Through Google Docs, teachers can create and share documents, presentations, or spreadsheets with students and colleagues as well as give feedback on student-created projects.
- QR Codes: QR codes (or quick response codes) are showing up with greater frequency in education.
- Glogster: (http://edu.glogster.com) Glogster is a social site that lets users mash up music, photos, videos, and pretty much anything else you’d like. It’s a great way to create learning materials and a handy tool for creative student projects.
- Newsela - view current events happening in the world today https://newsela.com/
- InstaGrok - Research any topic with an interactive concept map. awesome visuals for teachers , type Robert Frost at the top screen then click Grok http://www.instagrok.com/
- Secret Annex Online - Discover Anne Franks secret places in 3D http://www.annefrank.org/en/Subsites/Home/
Get TechFat - Tech based Formative Assessments: Great tools for teachers to use in class as agroup retesting or quizzing your students using tech programs
- Plickers - teacher can download app on an iPhone or go to www.plickers.com Good source for teachers to gather student activities responses. Print clicker cards for teacher made activity lessons.
- Socrative - create a quiz download or print for easy grade and instant student responses http://www.socrative.com
- Go Formative - Create online assessments , classwork or homework , allows to ask students questions with lots of pre-made quizzes ready fro you to use in class https://goformative.com/
- Nearpod - Bring your class to life with interactive activities , teachers can create a free account and setup lessons for your class , students don't have to create an account just issue them a pin number to join in your class activities. https://nearpod.com/
Great websites by subject area
www.teachingbooks.net/ -books
www.infotopia.info/biography.html -biographies
www.infotopia.info/greekmyth.html -Greek mythology
www.infotopia.info/romanmyth.html -Roman mythology
www.infotopia.info/reference.html -Reference tools
www.infotopia.info/citations.html - Citation creation
www.infotrek.info/biography.html -biographies
www.academicjournals.org/ -journals
www.infotrek.info/ literature
www.sparknotes.com/lit/index_author_g.html -sparknotes
http://infotrac.galegroup.com/itweb/j108909001 - current events / journals
http://online.infobase.com/HRC/Search/Search?q=ancient - mythology project
http://www.poets.org/poetsorg/browse-poems-poets - browse poems & poets
http://www.fofweb.com/Lit/default.asp - Bloom's Literary Criticism
http://find.galegroup.com/menu/commonmenu.do?userGroupName=j108909001 - Literature Resource Center for literary criticism
www.ipl.org/div/projectguide/ - science fairs
www.infotopia.info/life_science.html - Life science/biology
www.infotopia.info/chemistry.html - chemistry
www.infotopia.info/earth_science.html - Earth science
www.infotrek.info/science.html - science
www.infotrek.info/health_medicine.html - Health & medicine
http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/default.html - deseases
http://www.discoverylife.com/tv-shows/emergency-247/ - Anthrax / Discovery life videos
Social Studies
www.usa.gov/ - US Government
www.ipl.org/div/potus/ - Presidents
www.digital-librarian.com/government.html - Government & Codes
www.digital-librarian.com/politics.html - Politics
www.infotrek.info/social_studies.html - SS/History
www.academicindex.net/us_history/us_history.html - US History
www.hstry.co/timelines - History timelines
http://www.everyculture.com/A-Bo/index.html - Countries and other cultures
http://www.fofweb.com/WGCO/Default.aspx - World Geography and cultures
http://find.galegroup.com/grnr/start.do?prodId=GRNR&userGroupName=j108909001 - Global issues and content
http://nationalparalegal.edu/conLawCrimProc_Public/Federalism/PresidentialPowers.asp - Presidential Powers (Thank you Lauren)